Personalised email newsletters that engage with your customer base and generate more business.
    All you need to do is tell us to hit send!

Why HitSend?

Stay Top of Mind

Don’t let your customers forget about you. We help you stay in touch so when they’re ready to purchase your name and brand is top of mind.

More Leads, More Sales

Email marketing is still one of the most effective marketing channels. We turn your database into a lead generation tool.

Leave it to Us

Most business owners don’t have time to put together and send a regular email newsletter to their customers. This is why we do it for you.

Personalised for your Business

Each month we create a personalised newsletter specifically for your business and mailing list.

Let Us Take Care of Your Email Marketing

12 Month Plan

There shouldn’t be a rush each month to figure out what you’re going to include in your newsletter. We sit down with you and plan your newsletter content for the next 12 months – making sure it fits your marketing strategy and business goals.

Full Setup

Whether your company is already doing email marketing or you’re starting from scratch, we’ll get you fully set up. We make sure you comply with the relevant anti-spam legislation and are using industry best practice.

HTML Template

If you don’t already have one, we’ll create a clean, professional template for your newsletters using your company’s brand. We’ll also structure the layout so it’s easy for your subscribers to read.

A/B Tests

Marketing is a science and email is one of the easiest channels to test, measure and iterate. We can test different subject lines or content to see which resonates with your audience more.

Detailed Reporting

Each month we send you a detailed report of how your newsletter performed. We can also connect this to your website analytics to see the full journey.

No Contracts

You’re not locked into any contracts and can stop using HitSend at any time with a month’s notice. We don’t think you will, but if you do decide to stop, you’ll still have access to your account, mailing list, and results.

About HitSend

HitSend provides personalised, customised email marketing and newsletter solutions for small and medium businesses. We focus on helping our clients connect and engage with their customer base to increase their leads, sales and revenue.
